See What Luster Customers Are Saying

Disclaimer: This site does not provide medical advice, or promote medical products in terms of potential to inhibit, medically treat, or heal skin disease. Its purpose is merely to inform the public about them, and help them make informed decisions. Luster products could never substitute for professional medical care and advice, nor are they intended to. Independent reviews may appear on this site from time to time. These are unsolicited personal opinions. Their appearance on this site does not mean we endorse them. Individual results may vary.

My kid kept getting cold sores. This made her embarrassed and moody and it affected the whole family. We’ve used this magic light several times when she felt them starting. So far so good!

- Jonathan T

I’m a supervisor in a clothing store so I have to watch my appearance. Last summer I was on holiday where I caught a really bad flu that dragged on. I was horrified when I washed my face one morning and saw a big cold sore on my lip. I had to do something fast. A man in the drug store told me I may have caught the infection from a cup or something in the hotel bathroom. He recommended an antiseptic cream but the infection kept growing. I found Luster Skin on the internet. When I got home three days later my Lip device was waiting for me and it fixed my cold sores before I had to be back at work. Now that’s what I call great service!

- Carl A

Cold sores used to bug me every flu season and it messed with my dating life. I’ve used this product for the last few weeks and for the first time I can remember I have had no cold sores on my lips :))

- Emily W

My kid came back from a week away with friends with a cold sore on his lip. He told me they shared glasses, plates and even bath towels. Thank god I had ordered luster for myself. I applied the light on his cold sore and noticed a huge difference within a day or two!

- Beth F

We went skiing last winter in Colorado and it was very cold. Several members of the family got cold sores after the cold weather triggered them. My sister sent me her Luster device. Everything was back to normal in a couple days. I had to order another one for my household.

- Josh R

My kid came back from summer camp with cold sores from who knows what. This wonderful product chased them away in a week!

- James T

Cold sores are a real pain I have had often since I was a kid. I seemed to re-infect myself every time I went to the dentist. Someone told me I could get them from an infected tumbler. I felt so embarrassed at meetings at work. I tried to cover them over with cream, but I could see my colleagues saw through that. I imagined them sniggering about me later. I tried medication from the drug store but it was useless. Eventually a friend told me how a light treatment could work. I was so glad I could do this at home and it actually helped!!

- Oliver H

Life was hell when my teen caught bad cold sores the week before the school prom and their date wouldn’t go with them. You would have thought the world was going to end the way they were carrying on. Thank goodness a friend told me about this product. It was a life saver for my family.

- Bridget K

Cold sores on my kid oh my goodness I thought they were for adults only. But thank goodness for this product, I can now treat the whole family!

- Ben K

I’ve been getting cold sores every flu season for as long as I can remember. I stumbled over your product. Now I stop them almost before they start!

- Carter K

I used to get a lot of cold sores when I was a kid and they continued into adulthood. The clinic told me I have a recurring virus that I have to live with. Your Luster lip device has been a lifesaver.

- Matt H

I get cold sores every winter and they used to linger for up to ten days which was embarrassing. A work colleague told me about your product. It was great advice and it heals them in a couple days.

- Kayla Z

Our teenage daughter had cold sores last year and they kept recurring which she found highly embarrassing in class. I found your product and ordered one. It’s a real bargain when you consider the benefits!

- Taylor B

I got a cold sore after I kissed my granddaughter on her 21st birthday, when she was not showing any symptoms. She bought me a Luster to say how sorry she was. Thanks for the great customer service. Sorry I had so many questions.

- Jan L

I’m so happy I found this product. I used to dread biting my cheek and knowing I would have a canker sore coming on. The Luster light stops them in their tracks! I would highly recommend it!!

- Damani S

I’ve had this product on standby for my elderly parents for several weeks. They keep re-infecting themselves with mouth sores and this makes it difficult for them to wear their denchers. Perhaps this is due to their immune system running down, who knows… Things reached a turning point last month. Dad was unable to chew properly because he had cankers on both sides of his mouth. I was getting desperate so I decided to order your product. Now I apply the light as soon as he feels one coming on, and the next morning it is much better.

- Gabe H

I was having bad mouth ulcers at college after I bumped my gum with my toothbrush. They were so sore I could hardly eat. I’m so grateful I found Luster. It made such a difference. Thank you!

- Jonny G

My canker sores became a real pain after I retired. I’d been going through stress because I have high blood pressure and I’m told it could make Covid worse. I am more relaxed now that I have Luster to heal my sores fast.

- Eileen O

My 12 year old was really miserable when she started getting canker sores after she bit her mouth. I bought one of these little magical zappers and broke the cycle

- Andy S

I caught mouth ulcers when I went out with my daughter to celebrate her son graduating high school and I jabbed my mouth on something sharp. I was getting worried it wouldn’t heal so I ordered your device express delivery. I started healing the next day.

- Kerrie B

​​When my personal assistant at the gym told me you can get canker sores from bumping your mouth on an exercise machine I thought he was crazy. But I discovered he was right when I investigated online. So okay I said, but right now I can’t properly eat so what should I do? My canker sore is very painful. He told me people that work in gyms pick up canker and cold sores pretty commonly. He told me that he discovered this light and how it has helped him with his cold sores and how it also works for canker sores. That’s how I stumbled upon Luster. You can take my word for it, it works great.

- Stacey J

My elderly father has been uncommunicative lately. When he started refusing food, I asked why and he opened his mouth and pointed. I was in shock when I saw a few white sores on his gum. I found a half-eaten pineapple in his fridge and learned that acidic fruit could have caused it. I just placed an order for your product as I’ve heard it healed several friends.

- Ronda G

My mouth seems to have become more sensitive as I get older. If I bump my gums putting in my dentures I know a canker sore will follow. Things are so much better since I discovered your wonderful product!

- Joyce M

My teen cut their mouth on a sharp bone at a barbecue and thought nothing more about it. A few days later, he had two painful sores on the inside of his mouth. I took him to the dentist and they told me about your product. I decided to order the mouth device and within two days they were healing fast.

- Julie Z

Tearing my hair out hardly describes my feeling when my twelve year old kept coming down with canker sores in his mouth. A friend told me about the power of your product to heal them. He hardly ever gets them now. It’s a thing of the past.

- Patricia B

I’ve learned to protect my mouth from bumps now that I passed fifty. Am I the only person who gets mouth ulcers by brushing too enthusiastically? I even get them eating raw pineapples unless I take the spines out first. Thankfully that’s all behind me now I discovered your miracle device.

- Ned D

My doctor told me I had a recurring virus in my mouth and I had to be careful with what I ate. I’ve stopped getting canker sores since I started using your light. I can now eat whatever food without always getting canker sores.

- Waylen W

I realized I had genital herpes when I noticed blisters down there after a blind date. They self-healed after a painful, unpleasant week. I was really scared because I heard they could come back again. I ordered a Luster device just in case and found they healed much faster the second time after I used it as directed.

- Maggie K

I caught genital herpes way back when I should have known better. Since then I have had secondary infections during my menstrual periods occasionally. Since I discovered this product the outbreaks have gotten a lot better. I am so pleased I finally found a product that helps.

- Tessa V

I got genital sores from a casual contact on holiday who did not know he had it. I wasn’t so lucky. I got small painful sores that did not want to go away no matter how hard I tried. I was so desperate I joined a chat room to see what I could learn. One member privately messaged me and recommended your product. Things got a lot better within a couple days.

- Angie E

For the life of me I don’t know exactly how I caught HSV, but I do remember how embarrassed I was when my doctor diagnosed me. There’s no cure he told me but these tablets may help. They helped but I had to constantly keep taking them and I hate taking pills. It wasn’t until I was researching other solutions and discovered your wonderful device online. It arrived within 3 days. Thank you!

- Jamie A

Genital herpes is something you like to keep to yourself from even your best friend. More and more people are discovering Luster. Once you try it it’s easy to understand why. I recommend this product.

- Dustin A

I recommend your product to anybody unfortunate enough to catch HSV. You can order a Luster device on the internet without anybody knowing. And you can help heal the infection fast and keep it a secret

- Jordan Y

My doctor and I go back a long time. I knew I could trust her to keep my genital herpes secret but I never liked going to the pharmacy to pick up the medication. She recommended your device and I am very excited to try it. Just ordered one!

- John J

What must I say? Our older teen comes home with herpes you know where, and says dad you have to help me please don’t tell mom. I started looking for solutions. I found your device online and my son says it has been helping. Thanks a ton

- Stephen L

I have had HSV since I was a teen and it has always been a huge headache. My friend told me about your device so I decided to give it a try and I confirm it helps heal these infections fast.

- Carly H

I thought I was coming down with genital warts until I looked closely and saw blisters and some open sores. I was panicking until a close friend told me about Luster. I highly recommend this product!

- Becca H

I went on a date with someone I hardly knew after I broke up with my boyfriend. Silly me, I should have guessed when they kept the lights low. My souvenir was a dose of genital herpes :( Thankful to have found this device. It has significantly helped with my outbreaks

- Gigi F

My new boyfriend gave me genital herpes the first time we were intimate. I forgave him because he did not know he had it. One day I decided I had enough with the itching and asked another friend what to do. She told me about a neat device they sell here that works well. At first I was skeptical about shining a light on the infection but believe me it works. I can’t begin to tell you how relieved we are.

- Colleen C

I could not believe it when I discovered my 22 year old had genital herpes. I suppose I should be grateful he took precautions otherwise. We believe in being open in our family although I never expected him to say “dad I have genital herpes please don’t tell mom.” I had Luster delivered to my friend's home and then told my son to apply the light to the areas. He said the sores were a lot better within a couple days.

- Nick F
