You Can Use Light to Help Treat Your Cold Sores

There’s laboratory evidence you can use light to treat your cold sores safely. That’s those annoying blisters that form near your mouth, or elsewhere on your face. Light treatment could stop the pain, heal them faster, and reduce the likelihood of them recurring.

Save Pain and Embarrassment with Light Treatment Fast

Perhaps you have a cold sore that’s pestering you right now. Maybe you fear your next cold sore attack, and are desperate to prevent it. You’ve spent precious time and money on products that failed to live up to their promises. Our hand-held laser device could be just what you need to apply healing infrared rays!

Clinical trials show just two minutes of this special particular process could help your cold sores heal faster, and with less pain. You should also have less frequent attacks when you use light to treat your cold sores. But how does this low intensity laser treatment work?

Treat Recurring Cold Sore Infections with Managed Laser

Researchers proved you could do this yourself when they tried the treatment on volunteers. They had all been suffering painful cold sore infections at least every 30 days for over six months.  And there were no outside triggers like a woman's monthly cycle, fevers, or too much sun to blame for this.

The cold sores had to come from the herpes virus for sure! The researchers gave half the volunteers laser light treatments. Those lucky folks took an average 263 days before their next cold sore appeared, whereas those who did not have the treatment continued to have them every three weeks on average. 

Time Between Breakouts

This chart shows how light treatment fundamentally diminished the amount of cold sores that patients experienced between breakouts.

How Could Light Treatment Possibly Impact Cold Sores?

Experts in viral infections agree laser light treatment reinforced those volunteers’ immune response to the herpes simplex HSV virus. This meant their defenses could prepare for the next attack, and prepare to fight it off.

Another study compared the effectiveness of Acyclovir Cream with the light therapy method. They confirmed low-intensity light cured Herpes Labialis cold sores twice as fast. Moreover, the light healed them faster with less pain than using the cream.

So there you have it in a nutshell and proven by scientists.  Forget the marketing hype and social media. Exposing cold sores to low-level laser light simply heals them faster. And the one-off expense of a hand-held device could be an incredible saving compared to recurring medication! 
