If You Have Genital Herpes Then This One’s For you!

If you suffer from genital herpes caused by sexually transmitted HSV-2 herpes virus, then you know all about pain, itching, and sores down there. 

Peer reviews by professional associates confirm that light treatments are incredibly effective for this condition. The researchers studied the effect of laser light photo therapy on affected women. They found it not only limited pain. It also reduced their load of the epidemic virus. 

There’s a growing belief this method could help control genital outbreaks in future. The proof is there in blood samples. Many clinical studies down the years have shown laser light treatment is effective, and safe for a wide variety of skin conditions. 

This makes our hand held light laser the perfect companion for your medicine cabinet! But hold that thought for a moment. We have more to tell you about this amazingly simple device, which reduces viral load after expensive medication fails.

You Could Reduce Your Genital Herpes Pain Right Now

That’s right! The self-same study also demonstrated major improvement of pain from genital herpes following light treatment. Their patients reported an average 82% benefit after their phototherapy sessions. 

Epidemiologists made incredible progress during the Covid-19 viral outbreak. Thanks to this, they now understand viral infections at the nano-scale molecular level. There is now even more evidence. Laser light treatments reduce the quantity of microscopic viruses in infected patient blood.

This proof comes directly from work done in medical laboratories, where skilled technicians observe herpes infections and respond to phototherapy treatments. They have seen viral loads fall by as much as 60%.

Their discoveries confirm how laser light therapy achieves remarkable reductions in immunoglobulin, and immunoglobulin M levels. It makes so much more sense to treat the viral root cause, than apply an ointment to the result, don’t you think?

Light Therapy and Genital Herpes

The proof is there. We laid it out before you so you can decide for yourself. Our portable, hand held laser treatment is regarded safe for the skin conditions we mentioned, and it delivers proven results.

Laser light treatment does this for cold sores, mouth ulcers, and genital infections almost effortlessly. However, the difference is it does not do so by temporarily deadening the pain. It achieves its minor miracles by reducing the actual virus load. Some researchers hope this finding may eventually disarm the herpes virus in the future.

There’s also scientific evidence laser light therapy is an exceptional way to control herpes simplex viral infections too. Even popular topical treatments and ultrasound for HSV-2 and other skin conditions have to step aside, now we have all the evidence.

How Non-Invasive Light Treatments Bring These Remarkable Benefits

Hand-held, personal laser light therapy delivers remarkable results using a simple principle that’s easy to understand. Our light treatments stimulate target cells. This triggers them to produce more energy, and this in turn speeds the healing process.

Our non-invasive treatment, which is also chemical free, delivers proven pain relief. It brings managed healing to inflamed tissue by increasing blood flow containing essential nutrients. Light laser therapy also increases antioxidant defenses to complete a powerful triangle.

Fair Enough, But How Safe is Light Therapy?

Natural daylight promotes healthy skin. Our hand-held laser light therapy boosts this benefit safely, by increasing the concentration of light on virally infected skin. Numerous studies have found this to speed healing times without side effects when applied correctly. 

It’s also a highly effective, non-invasive way to help with these irritating problems. A 2013 clinical research review on light treatments and skin claims its “noninvasive nature and almost complete absence of side effects.”
